Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Once More Down the Rabbit Hole for Israel

Beyond the Cusp

December 25, 2014

Once More Down the Rabbit Hole

The number of demands coming from virtually every direction and so many counter to many of the others, it is remarkable that the leaders of Israel are not even further round the bend and must often feel like they’ve taken that trip down the rabbit hole. First, let’s take Europe, both the European Union and the majority of European governments. The going theme is that Israel needs to take every opportunity to do whatever Mahmoud Abbas, the man of peace if the Europeans are to be believed, demands in order to make peace so that the ever growing and vocal Muslim populations residing in Europe will not be further provoked to demonstrate or act out violently. Israel, according to the Europeans, must never ever take any military steps to defend themselves from Arab attacks or terrorist attacks and must instead sympathize with the desperation which drives the rioting and violence perpetrated regularly by the Arab population within Israeli borders set forth by the San Remo Conference and backed by the United Nations through Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which validated the agreements including the Mandate system set up by the League of Nations at the conclusion of World War I. Two lines of faulty reasoning drive the European demands, the first being the desire to placate and remove any instigations for their Muslim populations to cause violence and secondly they are reverting to their default position steeped in anti-Semitism except this time their anti-Semitism is targeting the Jewish state initially and against their Jewish populations only as a secondary front presumably due to the refusal of the Jewish state to follow the dictates of the European and other betters. The particulars of the Arab demands coming from Mahmoud Abbas and the other Arab leaders are irrelevant to the European demands that they be met as the Europeans would support any demand fully expecting Israel to comply simply for the reason that it would make the situation in Europe presumably less unstable and potentially of turning violent. It does not even matter that even when Israel complied and gave the Arabs complete autonomy and rule over Gaza that such did nothing to lessen the level of Arab violence in Europe and if anything caused it to increase rather than abate. The Europeans simply cannot understand why Israel refuses to capitulate to the Arab demands as the Europeans have done and this angers them as they appear weak and ineffectual in comparison and that is another humiliation which they believe they should not be forced to suffer. Additionally, there are those in Europe such as George Galloway and Richard Faulk and his wife Hilal Elver who simply hate the Israelis for being the nations of the Jews and needs no other reason to fully back the Arab demands and to even attempt to go the Arabs one better in demanding the violent destruction of the Jewish state and it being replaced by an Arab state. The problem is that even should the Arabs destroy Israel tomorrow, the Europeans would continue to have a problem with the restive and growing Arab populations and would have no Israel to blame, but then they would probably transfer their animus to the United States claiming their War on Terror was riling the European Arabs and that the United States should learn from Europe and find an accord with the Arab and Muslim worlds instead of always attempting to force the world to fit the American ideals and ideas.

Then there is the United Nations and their love to hate relationship with Israel. Their problem with Israel might have a little something to do with the fact that there is one Israel against the twenty-two Arab states plus another Thirty-four Muslim nations as well as the additional fifty or more nonaligned nations which make up the largest single group of nations within the General Assemble which most often vote as a block in unison. Additionally there are the anti-United States and anti-Israel nations and then the western nations who make up a minority of the General Assembly but still often vote against Israel or at best split half and half on either side depending on the particular vote and the result is there are often easily over one-hundred-twenty-five nations which will vote against Israel on every vote brought before the General Assembly of the United Nations. Then the makeup of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) there are forty-seven member nations out of which at any given time there will be easily between thirty and thirty-seven member nations which will vote to censure Israel on any issue and the HRC is one of the only bodies in the world which has in its bylaws a requirement that every session must open with a vote condemning Israel before addressing any other business, and this even applies if their entire docket contains additional motions for denouncing Israel for any variety of reasons. Researching the United Nations other than the Security Council, where the five permanent nations have an overriding veto power, and the most denounced and censured nations is Israel with the bulk of these motions originating in either the United Nations Human Rights Council and the United Nations General Assembly where the Arab-Muslim-developing nations block has an overwhelming and unopposable majority one finds a preoccupation with denouncing or investigating Israel and echoing every accusation emanating from the Arabs under Abbas. Some wonder why Israel even bothers to remain as a member of the United Nations as there is little for them to gain from such a membership except that it might possibly become even worse were Israel not represented, though how it could be any worse is beyond my understanding.

Now let’s attack the root of the problem and Mahmoud Abbas and the alphabet soup of groups his three organizations presumably encompass and represent. He is the Chairman, President or whatever title he assumes each morning of the following entities: the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Fatah Party (Fatah), the Palestinian Liberations Organizations (PLO). As head of the PLO he oversees in theory the following: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Hamas, Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), Islamic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (IFLP), Islamic Jihad, Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), Palestinian People’s Party (PPP), Arab Liberation Front (ALF), Palestinian Democratic Union (Fida), Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), Palestinian Arab Front (PAF) and potentially some we have not heard of or found in research but feel confident will pop up some time in the future to give a list of grievances and demands. Independent of these is Islamic Jihad which along with Hamas, al-Qaeda in Gaza, ISIS in Gaza and a number of criminal families who double as terror enablers and are tasked with some kidnappings for which they have shown a degree of expertise it becomes mind-boggling. With all of these groups to oversee and each with their own leadership and structures and some having multiple leaderships in different countries as example Hamas has Haniyeh who is usually in Gaza, Mashal who is most often in Qatar and the currently most active and tasked with running the Temple Mount daily riots, the riots throughout Jerusalem and much of the terrorism in Judea and Samaria committed by Hamas is Saleh Al-Arouri who is located in Turkey. So, this is a basic view of the infrastructure, now for the really confusing items.

Currently there exists the Arab demand before the United Nations Security Council which demands an end to negotiations, more on that in a moment, within one year of the enactment by the Security Council and the removal of Israel from all of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem back behind the Green Line, the Armistice Line from 1949 which existed until the Six Day War in June of 1967, before the end of 2017. The result of the negotiations is for the Israelis to be forced to retreat from all the lands occupied illegally by Jordan against the dictates of the San Remo Conference and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter from 1949 until Israel liberated these lands regaining her assigned borders by international law of the Jordan River surrendering their rightful heartlands to Mahmoud Abbas and his merry bands of terrorist groups. The negotiations will result in the same result every negotiation has produced since the Oslo Accords set up the Arab kleptocracy in 1993, with the Arab negotiators making supremacist demands and refusing every Israeli demand. Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the supporting various leaders and functionaries have repeatedly stated that they will never in any manner or form recognize Israel as the Jewish state, they will never relent from their right to resist the occupation which is their code for terrorist activities, they will continue the resistance until all of Palestine has been freed from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea, and they demand that every Jew be removed and forbidden from entering Arab lands despite often claiming they will recognize other religions’ rights to visit and have access to their various holy sites while adding later that there are no Jewish holy sites anywhere in Palestine from the River to the Sea because the Jews never lived anywhere near Israel and Israel is an invented occupying colonial western force used as a plot to deny the Arabs their rightful lands in which they have resided for nine thousand years (sometimes the period is less but always more than the three-thousand-five-hundred years which is often the reference for when Abraham and Sarah first arrived in Hevron, but Abbas claims that both Abraham and Sarah along with Moses, Noah, Jesus, Adam and Eve were all Muslims and they were never Jews as the Jews were a recent inventions which he has claimed worked with the Nazis. Senator and former American Ambassador to the United Nations Daniel Patrick Moynihan once stated, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts,” he probably never met Abbas and his enablers. Abbas has recently upped the ante by threatening to break off all relations and cooperation with Israel should the United Nations Security Council not agree to pass his maximalist demands and he is further calling for the vote within a short period of a week or two, meanwhile, there has not appeared to be any great rush thus far at the Security Council plus Abbas has been informed by United States Secretary of State John Kerry that the United States will use their veto on his proposal. Such news only appeared to double Abbas in his demands and insistence that everybody simply must do as he demands or else he will, what was it, oh yes, refuse to cooperate with Israel, refuse to have relations with Israel and demand that Israel assume their role as an occupying power. There is one small problem with Abbas and his reasoning, he has forgotten that without cooperation with Israel there is no Oslo Accords which he had already previously defiled and broken its provisions repeatedly by taking unilateral actions while refusing to actually negotiate while demanding Israel surrender to his every demand otherwise he will, you will love this, join the International Criminal Court (ICC) and bring charges against Israel for crimes against humanity and various war crimes. Of course, the fly in the ointment is that once they join the ICC they can be brought up on charges themselves for every terror attack by any and all the various incarnations atop which sits none other than Mahmoud Abbas, second in command for so long under Yasser Arafat and now the number one terror chief of the entire alphabet soup of terror enclaves.

These threats made by Mahmoud Abbas are all aimed not at Israel but at Europe, the United States and anybody else who chooses to panic. There is one simple reason why Abbas will not carry through on a single threat he makes, once he totally refuses to pretend that he will follow the Oslo Accords and leaves everything to Israel he will end up murdered by the terror groups he claims to lead. Then the most viscous of the terror groups will rise to the top by any means necessary and Israel will be freed to liberate the real moderates who are now kept muted and under thumb. The terrorists will be cleansed from the lands of Israel and the Arabs will either be given autonomy in the areas where they hold total majorities such as in Ramallah and Area A and the few Arab enclaves in Area B while the Arabs living in Area C will be granted a path to citizenship, a phrase given a whole definition by the United States immigration policy interests, or an option to sell their properties and resettle in the Arab autonomous regions or emigrate to other countries. The problem then will be placed in the laps of the nations holding refugees which they had kept separate in the hopes of sending them to infiltrate Israel in an attempt to destroy the Jewish majority of Israel. UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) will be dissolved and these refugees will be placed under UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) which will resettle them within the nations where they reside and no longer will their children and their children into perpetuity be classified as refugees, they will have citizenship and be able to have real lives as normal human beings. Abbas and his sons make far too much money, sending funding to the companies, straw entities meant to collect funds under false pretenses, from the billions of dollars given to the agencies for the care and comfort of the Arabs they represent. The Arabs are the real losers to Abbas and cohorts kleptocracy which steals the food and funds right out of their pockets by misappropriating the majority of the funds they are able to lay their hands on. Nothing will change because too many entities are making money on the misery of the Arabs under the rule of the terror entities and by keeping the causes and charges against Israel operating the rest of the world can continue to claim that it is Israel which is at the center of all the problems in the world. Should Israel finally be left to simply live in peace then the entire house of cards would collapse and there would be nearly countless people out of work looking for employment and it is difficult to find position for which the job requirements call for laying blame and lying while stirring up hatred in the name of making themselves the authors and definers of what is correct and what is unacceptable. Further, what would the United Nations do if Israel was no longer the target most acceptable for all blames and denunciations? Their funding requirements would be decreased to half what it takes today or lower. How can we bring this about, any hints?

Beyond the Cusp

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,Administration,al-Qaeda in Gaza,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Israeli Citizen,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Britain,British Mandate,Building Freeze,Cabinet,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Congress,Disengagement,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Fatah,Fatah Charter,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,France,French Mandate for Syria and Lebanon,Gaza,Government,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,Hudna,ICC,Internal Pressures,International Criminal Court,International Politics,Intifada,Intifada,ISIS,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jordan,Jordan River,Judea,Judean Hills,Kidnapped Israeli,Land for Peace,League of Nations,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Moses,Murder Israelis,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Legislative Committee,Palestinian Liberation Organization,Palestinian Pressures,Palestinians for the Liberation of Palestine,Peace Process,PFLP,PLO,PLO Charter,Politicized Findings,Politics,Popular Resistance Committees,PRC,Pre-Conditions,Promised Land,Qatar,Ramallah,Recognize Israel,Refugees,Response to Muslim Takeover,Richard Falk,Right of Return,Rock Throwing,Rocket Attacks,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Sderot,Secular Interests,Security Council,Settlements,Six Day War,Statehood,Support Israel,Sykes-Picot,Taqiyya,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Terrorist Release,Third Intifada,Transjordan,Turkey,Two State Solution,UNHCR,United Nations,United Nations Charter,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,UNRWA,Versailles Treaty,Waqf,West Bank,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:29 AM 
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