Beyond the Cusp
March 15, 2016
There Will Never be a Demilitarized Palestine
Let us start this opinion piece admitting such straight out. We will claim this is our view and in no way represents the known opinion by us of any political party or entity within Israel and we doubt it ever will as the world cannot accept reality. Let us also report one simple fact that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Corp test-fired ballistic missiles that had written on them in Hebrew, “Israel must be wiped off the Earth.” Also, any Palestinian State cannot be ruled separately with Hamas Ruling in Gaza allied with Islamic Jihad and likely in time if not already with the Islamic State (ISIS) and with the PLO terror wing which would subsume the PA which is but its masquerade face painted over the rotting hatreds at its core so as to make them appear acceptable to the Western World, especially the European Union and many of its member states. The Western World likes to believe in fairy tales whereby if a peace were ever reached with Mahmoud Abbas that Hamas would gladly join the party and celebrate an end to its violence against Israel. That is utter nonsense and in the quiet moments when the truth is whispered they admit such. Abbas has spoken the truth a million times in his native Arabic as has the dame fatal who recently serenaded the advisors and other members of the Obama Administration as well as Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Hanan Ashrawi, singing a tired old tune calling for the United Nations and Western World to force Israel into reasonableness, another world for complete surrender. The PLO is fully aware that even when Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump or especially John Kasich, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio is elected, none of them will pose a greater hope for assisting them with the destruction of Israel and their only real opportunity is now with the waning hours of President Obama’s second term. So, what would happen should there ever be an agreement which established an Arab state alongside of Israel with much of Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza all under a single governance stipulated to be demilitarized, that is what needs be answered and in that answer the only obvious plan for a real peace will become clearly revealed.
The one thing which seems to have escaped everybody’s notice started back in 1947 when the United Nations on November 29 offered to divide the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea evenly with two-thirds of the Jewish State in the Negev Desert and Jerusalem as an international zone under United Nations rule. The Arab League refused this offer and their reason defined the entire Arab Israeli conflict. Their reason was they could not accept or permit in any form a Jewish State ever, period. This was further enforced when at the very dawn of the first day Israel was attacked by the combined armies of over a half dozen nations with the intent of a genocidal cleansing of the lands of the Jewish presence, let alone as a nation. Over the next year and a half the Israeli forces not only resisted being slaughtered but at the end managed to break through in the final hours to Jerusalem breaking the siege and permitting both the retention of part of the ancient Israelite Capital City since the time of King David and holding the route from Tel Aviv on the shore through to the Capital of Jerusalem. The Arabs attempted twice more to destroy Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 where the attacking armies managed to force Israel into taking control of the Golan Heights from what used to be Syria, the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt and liberating all of Judea and Samaria from Jordanian occupation and Gaza Strip from Egyptian occupation, that is very important, Jordanian occupation and Egyptian occupation. That begs the question of whose lands were the Egyptians and Jordanians occupying. Wait for it. The lands at the dawn of May 15, 1948 belonged to, you guessed it, Israel. These were the lands lost by Israel to the invading Arab armies back in 1948 when at the very start of hostilities all of Gaza belonged to Israel and the Jordan River was the Israeli eastern border where that morning the combined armies of Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia were perched waiting for dawn to attack with the sun at their backs, and it must have been of great help as they pushed through half way to the Mediterranean before the nascent Israeli forces were capable of stopping the advance and in the process a Jewish force ended up surrounded in western Jerusalem and remained there until the end of the fighting when they were finally relieved allowing Western Jerusalem to remain in Israeli possession. The main point is that the Jordan River and the Gaza were both initially a part of Israel when it was designed and formed by the United Nations. There was another attempt which almost succeeded which came during Yom Kippur War of 1973 where Israel troops held or delayed the attacking forces of Syria and Egypt sufficiently that the reserves and soldiers on leave for the High Holidays were able to form a credible defense. Units were initially mixed as soldiers simply gathered and formed functioning units until order could be restored to the IDF and by the time the war ended Israel was moving on Damascus, Cairo and Alexandria but agreed to return to the final positions from the Six Day War returning vital lands to Syria and Egypt. That also needs to be heeded as Israel had crossed the Suez Canal and rolled off the Golan Heights heading across Syria, so Israel gave back lands even before any negotiations had been held.

A map of Israel should any of the nations of the world actually be honest
and truly be seeking peace which can only be attained should Israel
have the most defensive borders imaginable.
and truly be seeking peace which can only be attained should Israel
have the most defensive borders imaginable.
When the Arab nations finally resigned to the fact that Israel was not going to be easily overrun militarily they devised a new tactic, destruction from within by political means. Thus was born the Arab Palestinians who were the Arabs who resided in the areas previously occupied by Egypt and Jordan. Odd as it may at first appear, the Palestinians were made up of areas which were held by two distinct nations, Egypt and Jordan. Many of the Arabs residing in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) were actually Jordanians who moved into the area under the assistance of the Jordanian government as well as the original Arabs who would have been Israelis, though over time the difference became a difference without any difference as both groups were Arabs and had all been granted Jordanian citizenship, thus are all previously Jordanians while the Arabs in Gaza were never granted Egyptian citizenship despite Gaza being occupied by Egypt for almost twenty years. The decision was, by assigning to these Arabs who were no different from Syrians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Saudi Arabians or any Arabs anywhere on Earth, the denotation of a new and presumed aboriginal identity. They were assigned a distinction which actually does not exist, but this was necessary to in order to plant a cancer within Israel with the hoped plan of destroying Israel in stages until Israel was so weakened by this disease placed within its borders that the Arab nations could marshal their armies and finally excise Israel from their midst. This was hoped to happen in a reasonably short period but things did not work as well as hoped and instead the cancer also revolted against their masters.
The Palestinians attempted to overthrow the monarchy in Jordan and then proceeded to Lebanon where they initiated a civil war which resulted in the forming of Hezballah which eventually eviscerated Lebanon changing it from its Christian origins into a dysfunctional terrorist state all but directly ruled by Hezballah, an almost universally recognized terrorist army. The Hezballah terror army had been most evident of late fighting in support of the Iranian puppet state of Bashir al-Assad in Syria or what used to be Syria and have also been reported assisting the Houthis in their war supported by Iran in Yemen. One could easily argue that Hezballah is the Iranian attack dog which will bite wherever directed by Iran which had, until recently, only used Hezballah to control Lebanon and attack Israel whenever Iran wished the world to look elsewhere, anywhere other than at Iran itself. This new and expansive use of Hezballah, one of the most expansive terror groups with cells worldwide, diverted so much of their resources from Lebanon that Iran sought new terror groups to employ against Israel. This created a strange pair of bedfellows as Iran started providing Hamas with funds and rocket technologies to improve their rocket threat to Israel. This was a first for a Shiite nation to be providing such aid to a Sunni group; but when it comes to destroying Israel, sometimes things can override other lessor differences, even some which has existed for many centuries. Iran has been attempting to gain similar inroads with the PLO through which they would gain control of the PA and the assigned respect and support of Europe, the United Nations and even some degree of recognition from the United States through Abbas and the method that first the Europeans and United Nations recognized as the one concept they could support in recognizing a weakening of Israel and possibly its eventual destruction without having to admit their perfidy.
That leads to the central dilemma, how can peace be made and still allow for Arab and Islamic acquiescing to the agreement. This takes us all the way back to November 29, 1947 where the Arab world gave their only and final answer, they would never, ever, ever recognize nor allow, permit, or in any way even negotiate with the Zionist entity Israel. The Arab League held a conference on September 1, 1967 in Khartoum, Sudan and produced what the Arab League called the Khartoum Resolution which stated that the Arab World would hold the line against Israel with no recognition, no peace, no negotiation, period. The full document can be read here. Many Arab League nations initially broke relations with Egypt when they made their peace with Israel. Egypt received the return of the Sinai Peninsula but resigned their occupation of Gaza back to Israel. The Arab League could not long ignoring the most populated Arab nation and the home of the leading Islamic University and after the Arab League relented over Egypt making peace with Israel, Jordan followed suit returning the parts of Judea and Samaria back to Israel relenting on the area they had renamed something less Jewish, West Bank, and reneged on their citizenship including on Jordanians who had relocated to take advantage of lower land value leaving their contribution to the ticking time bomb. Jordan subsequently claimed they had not relented returning the lands to Israel but had given it to Yasser Arafat to form a new Arab nation and thus the Arab Israeli Conflict entered its latest iteration. The one item which must be remembered is that the Arab Israeli conflict is a war, repeat, a war and wars can only be resolved when one side is destroyed or surrenders. Destroyed speaks for itself while surrender means that terms need to be reached which may include deportation or relocation of entire populations. The one other item which is always glossed over because Israel accepted and integrated almost a million Jews who were deported, forcibly removed or left due to threats to their lives from the many Arab and Muslim nations across the Middle East and North Africa. The Arab nations have kept their relocated refugees in apartment buildings separate from their populations refusing them equal if any rights and limited if any employment opportunities leaving them as a weapon with which to demand be resettled in Israel flooding Israel with the original half million which have since included their children and children’s children some to fourth generation now numbering close to five million forsaken souls. These camps are spread between the numerous Arab nations with some coming under assault by Assad and being driven off with the rest of the refugees from the Syrian debacle.
The Arab Israeli conflict, renamed the Palestinian Israeli conflict though still the exact same conflict and set of problems, basically has to reach a decision as to a set of three principle dilemmas. These are the final borders of the State of Israel, the placement and resettling of Palestinian Arab refugees from the camps throughout the Arab world as this is actually still a conflict between the Arab world and Israel, the Jewish state. The first and most important argument made by the Israelis is not a workable solution as even a Palestinian state which might begin as demilitarized, it would not long remain demilitarized as Iran and others would smuggle arms to their allied segments within the state be they PLO, Hamas or any other group or family. This has been proven by the rocket attacks by Hamas, the armaments and over hundred thousand rockets and missiles deployed throughout Lebanon concentrated south of the Litani river and along the Becca Valley Hezballah stronghold and training areas. The arms in numbers and varieties would be provided lavishly quickly ending any hopes of a real demilitarized Palestinian Arab state and instead replaced with one of the most highly militarized states as once the initial arms were provided and any confrontation with Israel is staged, then the Arab world would scream foul accusing Israel of disproportional force demanding that the Palestinians be permitted weapons for defensive usage. From there to tanks, fighter aircraft, helicopters, artillery and anything even including naval vessels for Gaza with the spiral being taken further at every opportunity would logically follow as if fitting an actual plan, imagine that. The eventual end of the whole Arab Israeli conflict, no matter what name one wishes to give the actual events, can only come to fruition in one of two outcomes, the end of Israel or the realization by the Arab and Muslim worlds that ridding themselves of the Jewish state will always be far more costly than they can reasonably accept. In other words, it can only end which one side surrenders and accepts their defeat. As things stand that is a long way from becoming reality. The first problem is that the Arab and Muslim world can fight Israel using their sacrificial pawns the Palestinians and various terror groups such as Hezballah and not resort to using any valuable resources of their own which they would prefer not to risk. Having Palestinians and other expendable assets sacrificed is something the Arab world has been willing to risk for over sixty years through one Intifada after another with their expendables now extending to include some incitable youths residing within Israel. Further, there are the Hezballah terror assets which had been the Iranian weapon of choice against Israel which they have since expanded to include Hamas due to other priorities taxing Hezballah capabilities. In order for there to be any change in the current routine of Intifadas and rocket wars, depending on whether the assaults are coming from Judea and Samaria or from Gaza, the Arab world pays little if any price other than possibly funding and even that they siphon off as much as possible from European, United Nations and United States funding sources. For there to be a fundamental change there would need to be an alteration forcing a price in the greater Arab and Muslim world for their warfare against Israel. Israel has been wary to escalate the conflict in any form but eventually the cost to Israel will force such an escalation.
There is but one single way in which Israel could escalate the confrontations forcing a level of cost onto the greater Arab world and Iran, fighting to win outright and not simply to contain the problem kicking the inevitable down the road repeatedly. The point at which Israel will have little if any choice may be coming faster than anybody realizes. If the United Nations Security Council forces a resolution through Chapter Seven Resolution and is willing to back up such a resolution with military force then Israel would soon be facing the world parked on her doorstep protecting the very lands from which rocket and terror attacks would be emanating and have no other choice but to issue an ultimatum for the world to end the Arab war against Israel or be prepared to remove their forces as Israel had been placed in a position of facing escalating danger that her people were unwilling to permit any further. With the world protecting the terrorists Israel would have no other choice. The other solution would be to give one final warning to the PLO and PA and other terror operatives in Judea and Samaria to cease or face being driven from their lands as Israel would no longer accept the slow death spiral forced upon her by the governing body known as the Palestinian Authority and the various entities it claimed to govern. Once Israel resorts to such an ultimatum there can be no more half measures or backtracking, the full force of the IDF forcing all of the PA and its people beyond the Jordan River and declaring the entire conflict finished and the original borders of Israel restored and final would need to be the unalterable position and let the world say and act as they choose. Such a choice would not come easy but losing three or more citizens to wanton terror is equally unacceptable and no nation would ever allow such a situation to persist anywhere near as long as Israel has suffered such losses. The time will eventually arrive when Israel facing little other alternatives and after having exhausted all other options will need end this conflict and make the Arab world admit their error in attempting to destroy Israel for seven decades and finally accept a reality which is never going to change. What other alternative is there as the Arabs known as the Palestinians have the same position as their forebearers, no recognition, no peace, no negotiation, period. Israel is going to need to alter that formula by whatever means necessary, period.
Beyond the Cusp
Filed under: 1967 War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Arabist,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Gaza,Hamas,Hate,Hezballah,Holy Sites,IAF,IDF,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,Iraq,IRGC,IRGC,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish State,Jews,King David,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Media,Middle East,Muslim World,Oslo Accords,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Media,Palestinian Pressures,Politicized Findings,Politics,Protect Citizenry,Secular Interests,Shiite,Sinai Peninsula,Suez Canal,Sunni,Support Israel,Syria,Taqiyya,Threat of War,United Nations,United States,United States Pressure,United States State Department,Western World,World Opinion — qwertster @ 3:18 AM
Tags: Arab League, Arabs, Egypt, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Judea, Khartoum Resolution, Lebanon, Mahmoud Abbas, middle east, No Negotiation, No Peace, No Recognition, North Africa, Palestinian Authority,Palestinians, PLO, Refugees, Samaria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Terrorism, United Nations, War by Terror, Weaken Israel, West Bank, Yasser Arafat
Tags: Arab League, Arabs, Egypt, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Judea, Khartoum Resolution, Lebanon, Mahmoud Abbas, middle east, No Negotiation, No Peace, No Recognition, North Africa, Palestinian Authority,Palestinians, PLO, Refugees, Samaria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Terrorism, United Nations, War by Terror, Weaken Israel, West Bank, Yasser Arafat
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